Board of Directors

The Las Vegas Chapter – Berkeley Haas Alumni Network represents over 350 Nevada alumni of the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley – most of whom reside in southern Nevada. Quarterly events & meetings focus on business topics & networking opportunities and may be held jointly with the local Cal Alumni Chapter of Southern Nevada (formerly the Cal Alumni Chapter of Las Vegas).

There are over 4,000 UC Berkeley alumni and over 350 Berkeley Haas alumni statewide in Nevada. The Reno/Lake Tahoe Region does not have its own chapter yet, but has a Regional Representative who also serves on the Las Vegas Chapter’s Board of Directors as an Ex-Officio member. Joint events are being planned by both groups.

2023-2025 Officers & Board Members
President & FounderDan Asera
Andrew Boka
Noah Alexander Carson
Brandon Doll
Dr. Myron Hatcher
Michael Jabara
** Will Lukach
** Daniel Santos
Annie Yang

* Navgeet King Zed

* Reno/Lake Tahoe Regional Representative
** Current Haas MBA Students, Class of ’25
(Links above are to LinkedIn Profiles)

For questions or more information,
please contact President & Founder Dan Asera at:

Mobile: +1 702-882-7666 | Fax: +1 702-920-8484
Social Media: Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram | X

Haas School Of Business, Berkeley Programs, Tuition Fees & Entry Requirements 2021